Tools for the Modern Man

How to create a amazing resume

February 21, 2024 Pete Beskas, Certified Life Coach

The first step in any job hunt is updating your resume, but most people's resumes SUCK! I know because mine used to suck as well, and so many that I've read over my long career have as well.

This makes perfect sense, we aren't trained to write resumes, or promote ourselves in many cases. That is why I brought in a resume writing expert... Amanda Traugutt from Elevated Resumes.

Amanda and her business partner Allison have been doing this work for over 10 years and she has a very unique way of approaching resumes that aligns 100% with what I have seen works in the real world.

We go over all the things you need to improve your resume and make the biggest impact.

It's a great conversation that you don't want to miss out on.
Thanks again Amanda for joining me on Tools for the Modern Man.

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