Tools for the Modern Man

Why having standards matters - Qualities of Leadership

Pete Beskas, Certified Life Coach

"The standard is the standard" - Mike Tomlin

Coach Tomlin's phrase is one that I love, the standard IS the standard. But seriously, what does that mean and why is it important?

I'm a big believer is having personal and professional standards. These standards guide your path and ultimately determine your success. People see how you operate, and will choose to follow or leave based on what they see.

The biggest trick however is setting YOUR standard, are you going to set it high? Medium? Low?

As I dive further into leadership topics and traits I want to start with a review of why standards matter and help you to identify your own.

New leadership styles need to create a new environment where people are striving towards something bigger than themselves, a standard higher than they've used before.

Maybe that's why a flag is also known as a "Standard"?


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