Tools for the Modern Man

Book Review: Never Split the Difference

April 24, 2024 Pete Beskas, Certified Life Coach
"Meeting half way results in a bad deal for both parties" - Chris Voss

I've been waiting a while to do a podcast on this book, I just love it, Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss.

Chris Voss was a celebrated FBI hostage negotiator who become a master in negotiations. So many of the lessons I've learned through coaching was solidified by reading this book.

Chris does a masterful job, teaching each of his concepts with a field example and how it worked in real life. Concepts such as:

  • Tactical Empathy
  • Labelling
  • Mirroring
  • Why No is a good thing in negotiations
  • Deadlines
  • The "F" word - Fair
  • Creating the illusion of control

I highly recommend this book, you will be sucked in from page one and you will learn a new way to communicate and get what you want.


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